Zvi has hand-picked Greg and Allison to offer 1-on-1 support sessions for our community members. Both Greg and Allison were in the first cohort of Zvi’s Soulship group that began in 2015 and have been core members of his team since 2019. In addition to deep training in his teachings, they have been traveling around the world with Zvi, assisting him on retreats and facilitating private sessions and practice groups.
“Greg and Allison have all the knowledge, experiential know-how, and purity of heart to help you open to, and deepen into, your present-moment experience. They can offer valuable support for your journey of self-discovery and your embodiment of the mystery.”
Greg Yamada
Originally trained as a software engineer, Greg's journey of awakening began twenty years ago in the temples of Tamil Nadu, South India where the experience of darshan opened his heart and radically altered his sense of self and of reality. He lived and studied in Madurai where he was immersed in Tamil, Sanskrit, and the Srividya (a lineage of Hindu Tantra devoted to the Goddess). His passion for the divine led him to Naropa where his connections deepened, drawing insight and inspiration from Yoga, Taiji, Sufism, and Kabbalah. It was there that he first met Zvi and found a home with the teachings of Primordial Light.
To schedule a session with Greg, email him at:
Allison DeHart
Allison has a MSEd in Human Services from the University of Dayton and an MA in Contemplative Religion from Naropa University. She is a certified enneagram teacher through The Narrative Enneagram, where she currently serves as the Co-Executive Director, and she is a Circle of Trust® facilitator with the Center for Courage and Renewal. Her love of the Sacred led her from church pews, to Quaker circles, to Sufi dances and Hindu kirtans, to beginning her studies with Zvi ten years ago while a graduate student at Naropa University. She is honored to help others experience the healing power of Presence and open to the blessings of the Primordial Light realms.
To schedule a session with Allison, email her at: