Welcome, friend.
You are now registered for Open Meeting with Zvi - Asheville, NC & Zoom.
Zvi is feeling that using these meeting times for healing transmission would be the most supportive to the field at this time. Please see below for important details. We have also sent you an e-mail with all the information that you need to participate.
Meeting Info
Thursday, July 18
Friday, July 19
Saturday, July 20
Sunday, July 21
9-10am Denver
11am-12pm Asheville
4-5pm London
11pm-12am Shanghai
More Time Zones
Location: Address will be shared via email.
In Person Guidelines
Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early so you have time to settle in and begin sensing into presence. Please note that we will close the doors when the transmission begins, and you will not be able to enter the room. After the transmission completes, the room will remain open for 30 minutes for silence and/or sharing.
Due to the nature of these transmissions, Zvi will not be available for social connection outside of the formal meeting time.
Please refrain from wearing or using any products that contain fragrances or perfumes. If a fragrance is detected, you will be asked to leave.
Livestream Guidelines
This work is most effective if you can join us from a comfortable, quiet space with a good internet connection and where you can be fully present with your camera on for the duration of the event.
The Zoom meeting room will open approximately 30 minutes before the start time for silent meditation and will stay open afterwards for 30 minutes for silence and/or sharing.
Once the transmission begins, the meeting room will be locked and you won't be able to enter, so please be sure to join us at least a few minutes before the start time.
Livestream Info
Zoom Meeting ID: 81959335210, Passcode: 915102
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81959335210?pwd=dWJEdHptMEIyeVF5NDVvOFhkWVU3Zz09
Access Information
To join the meeting, please click the Zoom link provided above shortly before the meeting starts.
If this is your first time using Zoom you will be prompted to download a small piece of software to join the meeting. Please click 'ok' for every notification that appears during this process. You will then be asked to enter your name and e-mail address and after doing so you will be connected to the meeting.
You can join the meeting from a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone. You can also watch a short video on how to join a Zoom meeting here.
Raising Your Hand
On a mobile device, press More > Raise Hand. On a computer, click Reactions at the bottom of your screen, then click the Raise Hand button. On older Zoom clients: click Participants at the bottom of your screen, then click the Raise Hand button in the Participants window.
Before raising your hand please make sure that your audio and video are working well, and please use a headset/earphones if possible. If you are not sure about your audio or video, please test them before the meeting starts. You can do so in the settings of the Zoom desktop client or join a Zoom test meeting here.
When it is your turn, Zvi or a meeting moderator will ask you to unmute your microphone. At this time please also turn on your video, if you have not already done so.
The meeting(s) will be live and will be recorded. The recordings may be published afterwards and by participating you automatically agree to a publication of the visual and audio recordings.
Community Share Board
This is a space where people can post their experiences of healing/awakening from Zvi's offerings. This gives people a chance to process and express what they have experienced in a written way and to also share that experience with others.
When you share your experiences, it creates a way for others in the community and beyond the community to be touched, and through you, to also receive the energetic benefits of the primordial frequencies.
Please consider sharing your experiences here. This is one powerful way to help broadcast the light through the planetary airways during these critical times, contributing your unique vibration to our shared journey of collective awakening.
This event is offered on a donation basis. If you would like to make a donation in support of these offerings, you can do so here.
Looking forward to being with you soon.
With love,
The Zvi Ish-Shalom Team