Open Meeting Zoom - July 10, 2024

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Open Meeting Zoom - July 10, 2024


Temple Creation & Quantum Ancestral Healing with Q&A

- Entering a sacred, non-dimensional temple of light where each person contributes to its formation.

- Dissolving the thinking mind to merge with the great divine light and experience a stream of blessings.

- Dropping into the inner well of the waters of Life, feeling the non-dimensional opening to the light from above.

- Integrating the experience back into the body and senses, recognizing the temple as a bridge between dimensions.

- Descriptions of healing and ancestral repairs occurring within the temple space.

- Opening the temple to transmit frequencies for planetary healing.

- Discussion on the importance of patience and right view in meditation practices.

- Exploring the layers of activation and anxiety that can arise when connecting to the body.

- Emphasizing the need to honor and be patient with each layer of experience, rather than trying to push through or fix something.

- Broadcasting light through the planetary grids.

Length: 1:11:36

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