True Value


True Value


True Presence is a prerequisite to enroll in this course

What makes you valuable? Is it your success at your job? Is it what you offer others in relationship? Is it being a good parent? Or a caregiver? Or being good to your parents? Is your value and self-worth dependent on what you do? Or on how you do it?

So much of what drives us in our life is a pursuit of self-worth, of being seen as valuable by others. This incessant seeking of value is also the source of much suffering and pain that underlies much of our existence.

In this course we will explore this dynamic as a portal to a deeper realization of our true nature as intrinsically valuable. In deeply connecting with our inner essence, we discover the eternal spring of our true value as an always-already presence that is not dependent on anything we do or say, or on what anybody thinks about us.

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This three module course consists of video recordings of teachings that were originally given by Zvi in 2021.