The Portals of Primordial Light


The Portals of Primordial Light


Prerequisite: The Codes of Primordial Light

In this course, Zvi shares esoteric practices and metaphysical teachings related to the Portals of Primordial Light, or Earth Portals for short. These portals serve as interfaces between the primordial light realm and earth consciousness, and through them new life is being seeded for the next paradigm of planetary evolution.

As Zvi and the primordial light community have been connecting to, making pilgrimage, and offering esoteric support at various earth portals around the globe, he shares about the processes that are occurring at these portals, provides metaphysical teachings and context, and explores ways to participate (from afar) in this critical process.

The earth portal process is one dimension of a new body of teachings and path of practice that is being revealed from the primordial light realm. This path calls us to unify, integrate, and embody the new primordial light frequencies, in order to help heal, awaken, and accelerate the collective earth soul that is in the process of birthing the garden of eden of tomorrow.

Registration for this course includes access to our private online community group.

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This five module course includes guided practices, teachings, and experiential exercises and is composed from video recordings of teachings that were originally given by Zvi in 2023.